Wednesday, September 15, 2010


This week Jamie asks... How Do You Wish to Come Out of Your Shell?

As usual, I have to think about this one.
I find that we are all afraid to come out of our shells. We are modest when we get compliments on the things that we are so natural and good at. My star sign is cancer... Already I carry a shell around with me all the time.

Tonight I subbed teaching yoga for a friend. The class was one of my old classes and the six students were students that attended the class when I taught the class. Going in, the location changed and I have been out of the teaching loop for awhile. I felt nervous going in and at the end, the grateful look of relaxation and calm was payment enough.
So this week, I wish to come out of my shell when I initially feel reserved and doubtful about myself.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

shiney, happy pictures

I have recently joined a movement called Happy Book.
Every week I will be posting on some pretty happy stuff.

After I received my guidance which consisted of a list of words (circle, tree, smile, sparkle, heart, clean, treasure, red, fresh, sky, yum, toes, morning, home) I immediately thought of yoga. For me, Om is everywhere in the universe. I feel blessed that I can hear, see and feel it almost any place I go. I related happiness to Om and yoga. In my experience, the universal vibration of Om stirs up endless happiness in me.
These pics that I took happen to all be things that made me happy.











Saturday, September 11, 2010

Just let go.

What do I wish for less of?

This week for Wishcasting Wednesday I am thinking about what I could wish less for. 
These days I have been battling with a sickness. A close friend just told me on wednesday that I should allow my body to feel sick. Allow my body to heal itself. 
So I wish for less control and obsession over the situation. I wish to let go and heal myself. Just let go.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

I wish,I wish... begin again.

This week for Wishcasting Wednesday, Jamie Ridler asks, "What do you wish to begin?"
I had to think about this one. HARD.

So many things, right? The usual, exercise, yoga practice, being a better coworker, friend, sister etc.

Then it came to me. I wish to begin my Ayurvedic prescription. 

While I was visiting Kripalu Center last month, I signed up for some additional services. One of the services got cancelled on me (remember this point) and I thought that I would replace it with another. I looked through the list and found "Ayurveda Consultation". As I am not new to yoga, I have studied basic Ayurveda during my yoga teacher training. I have always been so fascinated with this ancient Indian medical practice but have never actually met a practitioner. I waited in the waiting room and finally, Swamiji came to greet me. My first impression of the man was instant comfort, happiness and I felt a smile spread across my face.
He is very tall, dressed in an orange tunic, bright red crocs, spectacles, a white beard that reaches almost to his waist, big blue eyes, bushy white eyebrows, white hair and sunshine and kindness radiating all around him. Anyone that knows me, knows that my father has always had glasses, long hair and a long beard. This could have been one of the reasons why I felt so happy in his presence. After consulting with me and asking alot of questions while hearing about what ails me, he came to an instant conclusion. I am pitta. (My main dosha) I knew this already but it was nice to hear it from him because I had diagnosed myself from many books in the past. (To learn more about your dosha, go to whatsyourdosha ) This means many things along with my overall diagnosis, he told me to focus on two things.
Number one.
Stop being so competitive.
Number two.
Stop taking on everything.
Basically these habits of mine, often pitta associated, are causing havoc and aggravating my already unbalance nature. I compete with myself ALL THE TIME. It is really exhausting. I also NEVER say no to anyone or anything. At any given time, like now, I am blogging, working on a design project for a charity, subbing yoga classes, working a great and full career, helping my big family with whatever they need, keeping a house, knitting yoga socks, building scrapbooks, starting an online course in a week, being a great wife, walking and playing with the puppy, raising money for the upcoming Winners Walk of Hope and reading about 5 different books.

So finally, this Wishcasting Wednesday, I wish to begin my Ayurvedic prescription.

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