Tuesday, January 27, 2009

the nights are long...

So. They say that February can be the darkest and most depressing month for many people. I personally don't feel more depressed in February, but I do grow tired of the dark mornings and the cold.
I wanted to post my January/February article for the Voice. It speaks to the fact that yoga can help us feel better when we feel down and dark. It can lift your spirits and lighten your mood!

Yoga during the dark days or happy new year

During the darker months at the beginning of the year, some of us feel like we have the blues. During this time, we need to stay positive and light hearted. Yoga can help us do this. Among the many poses in yoga, my favourite Standing Forward Bend or Uttanasana, can help to calm us, relieve stress, reduce depression and improve sleep. Stand tall in Mountain Pose or Tadasana, arms at your sides; chin level with the floor, straight spine. Once you feel centered, inhale through your nose and reach your hands up to the sky. Turn your gaze upward, lift your heart and smile! Exhale, hinge at your hips and fold forward. As you fold, reach away; engage your legs for strength and support. As you move further, allow your back to release. Lower your head and allow your arms to hang towards the floor. If you feel tightness in the back of your legs, bend your knees slightly. Those with back injury can walk hands down a wall for support, only until arms are parallel with the floor. Become aware of your body releasing during the exhale. Hold the pose for 10 breaths. When you are ready, it is important to come out very slowly. Place your hands on your hips and start to inhale up. Keep your legs strong to support your lower back. Close your eyes and take a few moments to regulate your breathing. Please refrain from practising the Standing Forward Bend if you suffer from irregular blood pressure. By practising Utanasana, we can start the new year off by reaching for the stars, opening our hearts and letting go!

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