Tuesday, April 14, 2009

listen to your world

In my April article for the valley voice I mentioned that when I was a child, my dad had a poster (at least I think it was a poster...maybe an album cover) that he displayed right above his stereo. At the time I think he had a stereo that included one of those double reel tape systems. Could have been around 1974 or so. One of my earliest memories is seeing that image. He took a photo of the stereo system and the sign and I still have that photo today. It was like he was telling me something even before I could read. It was in my memory even though I could not understand it at the time. Later when I could read, and found the photograph, I discovered that it said, "listen to your world." Still I was unsure about what it meant. The photo was put away but the memory of the sign was evolving in my mind. Much later, almost recently, I found the photo again. This time when I read the sign, it meant a lot more to me. I had evolved and the photo had remained a snapshot in time. The meaning was still the same as it was in 1974 and as it was in 2008. To the adult me, it spoke directly to my spirit, relating to yoga, meditation and my strong environmental convictions. Funny how it was present through all my life and a piece of me. It is like a reminder throught the stages of my life. What will it mean to the old aged me?

Listen to your world...

When I was a child, my father had a poster that had only those words on it. As soon as I could read, I started on a journey to figure out what those words meant. Every thing on earth has a sound and vibration. Shakespeare once said, "the earth has music for those who listen."

A yoga pose that calms the mind to help us listen better is Upavistha Konasana. The name of this pose translates into ‘seated angle’ pose. Sit comfortably on the floor and open your legs out as wide and comfortably as you can. If you feel discomfort in the low back, place a pillow under your seat. Position your knees and toes pointing upward. Inhale deeply, then exhale, place your hands on the floor in front of you. With straight arms, walk your hands as far as you feel comfortable while hinging in the hips. Hold the pose for a minute or so and tune into your breath. Close your eyes and turn your ears on.

Whether it is in our favorite pose or in meditation, really listen to the world around you. Listen for the collective universal sound. Listen for your own sound with in the universe. Listen to your world. What does it say?

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