Monday, October 11, 2010

time machine happy

For week seven of The Happy Book, Jamie Ridler asks us to make a time capsule list that we could go back to in the future. What a great idea...reminds me of the sporatic journals that I have kept since I was old enough to really express myself in writing. I think I was glamored by television in which all young girls kept locked diaries. I always dreamed that someone would find, read and fall in love with my diary some time in the future. I have the same feelings about writing a blog or an article. I think that it is a great idea to leave yourself a future message. So many reasons to try this... helps with potential future loss of memory, captures your legacy, valuable if you get famous, makes your mark on the world in case you are forgotten or a way for someone else to connect with someone like you when they really need a connection at that time in their life.

Who reads these things anyways?

For this time capsule I thought I would write a few lines. I will eventually forget all about this post and probly read it years later. Hey... that is the point of this exercise, right!

Today is Thanksgiving Monday October 11, 2010 and I have spent the day hanging out with our little pug. We went for a walk and met the other local neightbourhood pug for the first time, it was love at first sight. This week I cried as my friend's pug JC passed away in his sleep, just shy of his 16th birthday. Fall is here in beautiful Toronto and I can smell winter upon the breeze. The Canada Geese have started to gather in the Humber valley to plan their trip south. I have been tackling homework for a course that is not my strength and feeling quite frustrated about not understanding the content. I am waiting for my husband to come home and just cleaned our lovely kitchen. I need to mail the package to my fairy-godchildren in B.C. and should get an oil change before our trip to Indiana this weekend.I love my job and my life and feel great after spending the holiday with my family on Sunday.  I am trying to figure out how to get more creativity in my life these days and how it is possible to love one man and one dog so much.

1 comment:

Cazamataz said...

I enjoy reading the way you express yourself in response to Jamie's thought provoking excerises...thankyou for sharing x